I make your website awesome again

I turned my hobby into work

About me

Hey there! Are you ready to dive into my world? Let’s talk about what makes me who I am. First and foremost, I’m a go-getter who never shies away from hard work. I take pride in my ability to tackle any challenge head-on and come out on top.

One of my greatest passions in life is exploring the beauty of forests and parks. There’s something magical about being surrounded by lush greenery and the peaceful sounds of nature. Whether I’m camping in the woods or simply taking a leisurely stroll through a nearby park, I always feel a sense of tranquility and joy.

And while I do enjoy reading, I have to admit that I haven’t held a physical book in ages! I much prefer listening to audiobooks or reading in digital format.

When it comes to my professional life, I’m truly in my element. I love what I do, and I pour my heart and soul into every project that comes my way. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than seeing a happy customer who’s thrilled with the work I’ve done.

Of course, it’s important to remember that there’s more to life than just work. Family and friends are incredibly important to me, and I make sure to set aside time to nurture those relationships.

If you want to get to know me better, feel free to check out my social media profiles or drop me a line. I’m always happy to chat, and I’m fluent in English, Russian, and Romanian. So let’s connect and see where this journey takes us!

My Education and Work Experience

My Dev Stack

html5 css3 bootstrap foundation font-awesome markdown less sass javascript jquery wordpress woocommerce php composer cpanel digital-ocean mysql xampp laragon-svgrepo-com apache adobe-illustrator-cc-logo adobe-photoshop-cs6-logo-svgrepo-com affinitydesigner affinityphoto figma zeplin Creative Cloud atom brackets visual-studio-code google-analytics mailchimp-svgrepo-com notion trello keep microsoft-office paypal stackoverflow